Renovating your kitchen can easily get overwhelming. Before doing anything else, it’s important to know what you want out of your kitchen. Are the old cabinets driving you to think you need a complete room makeover? Maybe a brighter marble-like countertop is all you need to wake up the whole room?

The Beauty of Using JSI Cabinetry

There are highly reputable brands offering high-quality kitchen cabinets in the market, such as JSI Cabinetry, offering a range of solid wood cabinetry at affordable prices. The company has maintained high quality standards over many years without compromising on materials. Their cabinetry come in coordinated finish and colors and are constructed from solid wood materials, such as cherry, maple, oak, bamboo, and birch.

Small Kitchen, Big Looks with Clever Kitchen Design in Long Island

When it comes to kitchens, what would it take for one to be considered small? There are some pretty simple criteria. For one, opening a cabinet door may require a person to duck down because there’s not enough room to do the task while standing up. Another example would be that the fridge’s door can’t open all the way because it’s tucked in a secluded corner with a countertop or cabinet directly in the way.

For most people with small kitchens not unlike the ones described above, there’s no other way to squeeze some more floor area in without knocking walls down and opting for smaller appliances. Or is there? Chances are, a little Long Island kitchen design wizardry can make a small space look and work like a larger one.